Through the Sacraments of the Church, we are able to receive the grace of God in our lives through visible signs or audible words. In this way, we can come into contact with Jesus in a very real way, just as his disciples could in Galilee and Judea. There are seven sacraments in the Church: Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, & Holy Orders. If you are looking to receive one of the Sacraments, or you wish to find out more, click the links below.
hen we pray, we enter into the relationship of love that exists in the Holy Trinity between the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. Prayer is the way in which we are able to access the life of God which we were created for. It is a conversation of love between ourselves and our God who loves us unconditionally. For this reason, prayer is an indispensable part of being Christian.