In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis calls us to become 'missionary disciples' and explains that 'to make this missionary impulse ever more focused, generous and fruitful, I encourage each particular Church to undertake a resolute process of discernment, purification and reform.' (EG 30) The Diocese is embarking on a journey to respond to the Pope's call of discernment to see how we can in our parishes reflect upon our gifts and discern more deeply how we might best share the good news that Jesus Christ has triumphed over sin and death, and walks with us to lead us to new life.
Our Parish Evangelisation Team is made up of religious and lay people and was formed in 2015 following the call from Pope Francis to become more missionary. We began by reading the book entitled 'Forming Intentional Disciples' by Sherry Weddell over the course of six weeks, we then went on to try to implement some of her suggestions within our parish. We meet on a monthly basis to talk about our evangelisation activities (trying to bring lapsed and non-Catholics back to the faith), our evangelisation experiences (talking to people about our fairth) and our future plans.
The team is always looking for new members to help them with their activities, so if you would be interested in becoming an 'intentional disciple' then please contact the Evangelisation Team Co-ordination, Margaret Hawe, by emailing [email protected]
Useful Resources Below you will find links to some resources you may find useful if you are currently part of our Evangelisation Team, part of the team at another parish, or are thinking about taking part in the project.
We are extremely blessed and fortunate that here in Devon, within the beautiful grounds of Buckfast Abbey, The School of the Annunciation has been founded. With Ecclesiastical approval given by Bishop Mark O’Toole (Letter of Canonical Decree), the school is a centre for adult formation, responding to the Church’s call for a New Evangelisation, in which the Catholic Faith is joyfully transmitted anew in all its beauty, depth and vigour. For more information on the Courses available and their recent partnership with Franciscan University Steubenville, USA please visit their website by clicking here.